Writing Portfolio

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Explore a selection of my writing work below.

Photo by Rachel Xiao on Pexels

A Game of Symbols

My eyelids drooped and my surroundings swirled as I imagined my therapist's voice reminding me of our grounding exercise. “5-4-3-2-1,”

5, The green grass of the baseball field was vibrant in the sunlight. The bases were clearly marked with white chalk. Professionals in colorful jerseys and baseball caps ran around the field, their fans cheering from the stands.

4, The cement felt burnt and coarse under my feet as I walked towards our seats. The plastic seat was now hard and cool against my back. As I sat down, I bathed in the sun's warmth and the gentle breeze that blew through my hair.

3, The crack of a baseball bat echoed through the air, followed by cheers and shouts from the players and spectators. The umpire's voice could be heard calling strikes and balls.

2, The sweat and dirt of the players as they ran and slid on the field tinged in the air.

1, The saltiness of the sunflower seeds lingered on my tongue as I mindlessly viewed the game before me.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

I am Perfectly Healthy

I am perfectly healthy.

I don’t understand why my family seems to think otherwise. Despite my age, I still lead an active life. Every day, I cook, make my bed, and run errands without any assistance. I am fully capable of taking care of myself, but this didn’t stop her.

The strong smell of disinfectant and stale air filled my nostrils as I entered this dreary place. My daughter had insisted on admitting me here, to what felt like a prison for the elderly. The walls were painted a dull blue, and the floors were scuffed and worn, adding to the overall drabness of the room. I couldn't understand why she would want to subject me to such a stinky, boring environment.
Photo by Nothing Ahead on Pexels

Dirge of Gifts

I live in a world where it seems like everyone else knows.
Their purpose, their path, how the world goes.
And though I'm aware of the illusion that pursues,
The semblance endures, casting shadows askew.

“Life is a friend, a giver, a jest.”
Then why do I find myself unlike the rest?

For they declare the greatest gifts they’ve received from the sky
They shine in the sun, their mind at a high
But I'm left in the dark, wondering why,
Lost in the shadows, weights upon me lie.

Pulled down by burdens, the sadness cuts deep,
I don't know the gift, and the secret I keep.

About Me

I am an author and artist based in Kansas City and Southern Utah. You can follow me on social media with the links below.

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